HAYCOCK TWP., Pa - Pennsylvania State Police are currently investigating a fatal residential fire that occurred on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at approximately 4:00 am, Troopers were dispatched to a
residential fire on the 1800 block of Mountain View Drive, Haycock Township, Bucks County.
Upon arrival, the residence was fully engulfed in flames, and an adult female and her dog were found deceased at the back door, according to the press release.

Trooper Nathan Branosky told WFMZ that conditions and the location of the house made it challenging to put the fire out. "It was back in the woods," Branosky told WFMZ.
Branosky went on to tell WFMZ, "Obviously the weather, with the cold weather the way it is, the fire department was under some difficult elements, but they did a great job putting the fire out."
Once all the hot spots were extinguished, the State Police Fire Marshal began the job of figuring out how the fire started.
Branosky told WFMZ, "They're utilizing a backhoe, they're utilizing dogs, they're utilizing a lot of different tools to determine what caused this fire."
Branosky told WFMZ that fires like that are a good reminder to take proactive measures to protect yourself and your family.
Branosky said that people should take the following important steps -
"Make sure your fire alarms are working properly. Any candles you utilize in your house, you want to make sure you don't keep them on for a long period of time without blowing them out.
Your fireplace, you want to make sure it's clean. You don't want to have a lot of papers and debris around your house that could catch fire"
State Police are waiting to release the name of the victim until next of kin have been notified.
Troop M Fire Marshal is investigating the cause and origin of the fire.
Assisting at the scene: Dublin Criminal Investigation Unit, Troop M Forensic Services Unit,
Ottsville Volunteer Fire Company, Bucks County Fire Marshal, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
(ATF) and the Bucks County Coroner.
This fire continues to be investigated.
Please keep the family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.
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