SLATINGTON, Pa - A fire tore through a home in Lehigh County early Wednesday morning. Thankfully, the family made it out safely, according to reports, but one dog is missing.
Multiple fire crews responded to the fire at 424 Second Street in Slatington.
The fire took place around 12:30 am.

"When our first truck arrived, we found heavy fire coming out the second floor and the roof and extending into towards the other residents," Deputy Chief Jason Nicholas, with the Slatington Fire Department, told Channel 69 news.
Nicholas says that was the first of a few challenges early Wednesday morning.
"It hindered our extinguishment of the fire," he said.
The fire went a third alarm: in this case, that meant a total of eight volunteer fire companies and multiple ambulances responded.
Officials say the house is now a total loss, but Nicholas says the family of four inside made it out alive. "They came out on their own, with, I believe, with minimal help," he said.
All individuals were transported to the burn center at Lehigh Valley Hospital due to smoke inhalation. According to the deputy chief, they sustained minor to moderate injuries and are expected to recover.
Amidst the intense fire blazing inside the home, the extreme cold outside froze not just one, but two of the closest fire hydrants, according to WFMZ. This forced the crew to use hydrants located several blocks away and to call for tankers.
"We normally don't have tankers because we're a hydrogen burrow, so we had that covered right away," the deputy chief said.
The fire reached over to homes on either side of the affected house, hitting the one to the south.
"It melted some siding, burned up, busted a window, we stopped the fire from getting inside the attic," Nicholas told WFMZ.
It also caused minor smoke damage to the one on the north side, Nicholas says, adding residents in those homes had been evacuated and since let back in.
The chief told 69 News multiple dogs made it out of the house on fire alive as well, but one is still unaccounted for (see photo above).
Some family and friends have posted requests to find the missing dog on Facebook.
According to the Facebook post, the dog was last seen by Chris and Eli's this morning. They said the dog is very friendly and to call or text 484-330-1755 with any information.
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