SCHNECKSVILLE, Pa - The Lehigh Valley Zoo has announced the birth of a Common Eland, born to mother Moira and father Code on January 6th. This calf signifies a milestone for the LV Zoo, as it is the first eland born under its care, as stated in the announcement.
The zoo's veterinary team examined the newborn on Jan. 7 and confirmed he is a healthy male, weighing 68.2 pounds.
Both Moira and her calf are in good health.

Photo courtesy Lehigh Valley Zoo
The pair enjoyed the chance to bond and relax in a sheltered spot before meeting the rest of the herd on January 13.
The pair will be visible to daytime visitors starting January 15 during the zoo's winter hours.
Female elands reach sexual maturity between 15 and 36 months and have a nine-month gestation period, typically giving birth to one calf at a time.
Code became the first common eland at LV Zoo when he arrived as a one-year-old from The Wilds in Cumberland, Ohio, in August 2022, as stated in the announcement. Moira and her sister, Alexis, also joined the LV Zoo family from The Wilds as two-year-olds in May 2023. The Wilds is one of the largest conservation centers globally.
The baby calf also marks a success for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' cooperatively managed Species Survival Plan (SSP), which is designed "to manage a genetically diverse, demographically varied, and biologically sound population" of certain animals. The SSP pairs members of the same species at accredited zoos based on their genetics, so it was this recommendation that brought Moira and Alexis to join with Code at LV Zoo.
About the common eland:
The common eland is the second-largest species of antelope after the giant eland, with males growing up to six feet tall at the shoulder and weighing anywhere from 1,200 to 2,000 pounds -- roughly the same weight as our resident giraffes, Tatu and Joshua. Females are slightly smaller, but still impressive animals. These athletic antelope can jump great heights and have sustained running speeds of 20 mph when escaping predators. Native to Africa, Elands are important members of their ecosystem, playing a crucial role in conservation efforts in their native habitats.
Would you like to see the baby calf?
Guests can view the baby calf and visit other LV Zoo residents during winter hours of Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. LV Zoo will also be open on Columbus Day, Monday, Jan. 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The “zoo-born” eland still needs a name.
There's a naming contest this weekend!
In partnership with LVHN, LV Zoo will launch a naming contest this weekend. All guests entering the Zoo from Jan. 17 through Jan. 20 will receive a complimentary entry form to make a name suggestion and have a chance to win other prizes. More information about the upcoming weekend and the naming contest will soon appear on the Zoo’s Facebook page.
Photos courtesy Lehigh Valley Zoo
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