NORWEGIAN TWP., Pa. - The Schuylkill County Coroner and fire marshal have been requested to the scene of a fire in Norwegian Township Sunday evening.
The call came in just before 5:30 pm.
According to officials, fire crews responded to the 300 block of Minersville Street in Seltzer.
Officials say that at least 10 fire companies have responded to the scene.

About 10 minutes into the call, firefighters were advised to evacuate, and a mayday was issued after two firefighters were unaccounted for. The mayday was then cleared several minutes later once everyone was accounted for.
As of 6:45 pm, Chief Eichenberg has requested an immediate response from a State Police Fire Marshal and the Schuylkill County Coroner's Office.
No further information is available at this time.
This is a Developing story.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all involved.