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The Hunter's Moon will rise above the eastern horizon tonight

Weather permitting, tonight's full moon should be spectacular.

The full moon tonight is called the Hunter's Moon and will rise above the eastern horizon shortly after sunset at about 6 p.m.. At 4:24 p.m. ET, it officially becomes full.

It's the first full moon after the autumnal equinox. It's also referred to as the Travel Moon, and Dying Grass Moon in some places.

According to the Farmer's Almanac, the name "Hunter's Moon" was coined because the moon rises relatively early in the evening, providing extended illumination. This extra light allowed both hunters and gatherers to make the most of the fading daylight hours and gather essential resources before winter's chill set in.

For best viewing, stargazers are encouraged to venture into dark-sky locations away from any light pollution.

If skies are clear and you are able to venture out, enjoy the beauty of the Hunter's Moon.

Vincent Van Zalinge - Unsplash