Bethlehem, PA
Paul Veneto is a retired flight attendant who is honoring the fallen in a unique way.
He is pushing his beverage cart from Newark airport to the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. He is dedicating this path to the crew members who lost their lives during 9/11. Rather than pushing it on an airplane, Paulie is pushing it on foot.
Photos of the crew members are taped to the side of the cart. His hope is to complete the 300-mile journey by September 11th.
Paluie is a Boston native and follows the flight path for each plane that crashed on 9/11.
Paulie said, "I've never had a desire like this to accomplish what I'm doing", according to a news report on WFMZ N.ews.
You can follow his journey at

Photos courtesy TpotheringPhotography