On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at approximately 7:03 p.m., Hackettstown police responded to the 600 block of Willow Grove Street near the wooded area between Hackettstown Medical Center and Hackettstown Senior Housing for a report of a bicyclist that was possibly struck by a deer, according to a press release on their social media. page.
After investigating the incident, the Hackettstown Police determined that a 13-year-old was riding a bicycle on Willow Grove Street when a deer ran out into the roadway and was struck by a vehicle traveling southbound. The struck deer then hit the bicyclist. The bicycle was damaged and the bicyclist suffered minor injuries. The bicyclist refused medical attention, police say.
The driver of the vehicle left the scene prior to officers arriving.
At this time of year, it's particularly important to use caution and keep an eye out for deer on the roadways.
Hackettstown Police warned drivers to -
•Slow down if you see a deer and watch for possible sudden movement. If the deer is in the road and doesn’t move, wait for the deer to cross and the road is clear. Do not try to drive around the deer. •Watch for “Deer Crossing” signs. Slow down when traveling through areas known to have a high concentration of deer so there is enough time to stop, if necessary. •Use high beams after dark if there is no oncoming traffic or vehicles ahead. High beams will be reflected by the eyes of deer on or near roads. If you see one deer, assume that others may be in the area. •Don’t tailgate. The driver ahead might have to stop suddenly to avoid colliding with a deer. •Always wear a seatbelt, as required by law. Drive at a safe and sensible speed, following the speed limit, factoring for weather, available lighting, traffic, curves and other road conditions. •Do not swerve to avoid impact if a collision appears inevitable. A deer may counter-maneuver suddenly. Brake appropriately and stay in your lane. Collisions are more likely to become fatal when a driver swerves to avoid a deer and instead collides with oncoming traffic or a fixed structure along the road. •Report any deer-vehicle collision to a local law enforcement agency immediately. •Obey the state’s hands-free device law or refrain from using cellular devices while driving.

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